Main Cosmil GUI

The interface has five main components:

  • Tabs
  • Pathbar
  • Sidebar
  • Content Pane
  • Preview Pane (Toggleable)


Tabs work just like they would in your web browser. Information like path and search state are persisted in them.


The pathbar displays every folder in the current path. You can easily navigate up directories by simply clicking a folder name.

To edit or copy the current path in textual mode, click anywhere in the pathbar (excluding folders of course). To navigate to a new path you’ve entered in textual mode press Enter, to discard your changes click anywhere outside the pathbar or press Escape.

The Sidebar contains everything you would often need to access quickly. Folders can be added to categories via drag and drop, to remove folders from the sidebar, right click them and select Remove from Sidebar from the context menu.

The sidebar supports custom-named categories. You can add, remove, and sort categories in the settings.

Content Pane

The content pane is where all the files you interact with live. The content pane currently only supports Grid and List view, but more may be coming soon.

Preview Pane

The preview pane gives you a quick way to view important information and metadata about the files you currently have selected.